Wednesday, July 8, 2015

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

You sprint past the Vigilant of Stendarr in front of the abandoned house so you don't have to talk to him.

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

You hear dragons coming from a distance....when you're not even playing the game.

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

Your significant other walks past when you're playing the game and says, "hey babe, you're carrying to much to be able to run." #thankscaptainobvious

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

You start telling NPC's to shut up because you know what they're going to say next (what was that, Nazeem? Do you get to the Blue Palace very often? 'Cause I do.)

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

You know who you refer to the NPC you normally marry like they're a real person and you're actually married to them.

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

You're TV turns off because you've been playing so long.

You Know You're a Skyrim Junkie When...

You have so many games started that you can't figure out why you can't get into your house you haven't actually bought yet, or scream to your significant other that you "just did finished that quest! The game must have deleted my last save!!!!"